Lesson #1
Introduction to Calculus

Quote of the Day:
See #4 below for six quotes!

The student will understand the expectations of the course.

The student will solve problems involving inequalities.

1. Problem on the board
(#36 or #1or #20 from Brain Teasers)

2. Attendance - Take roll

3. Materials needed: pencil, notebook, paper, graph paper, textbook, and calculator.

4. The three biggest factors in being successful in A.P. Calculus are:

(1) My philosophy of education, like my blood type, is "Be Positive." -- David Pleacher

Keeping student attitudes positive is vital to their success in learning.

(2) "Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it." -- Charles Swindoll

(3) The Eleventh Commandment is "No Whining."

(4) "Genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration."

(5) "I do not believe in the gifted. If [the students] have ganas [Spanish for desire], I can make them do it." - Jaime Escalante

(6) "There is no Royal Road to Geometry." -- Euclid

5. Classroom Rules (On overhead)

6. Policies: (On overhead)

(1) Grading:
Tests, Homework, and Mini Exams count 2/3 of the 18 weeks grade (Mini Exams are counted twice).

Quizzes and Class participation count 1/3 of the 18 weeks grade.

Extra Credit (up to 3 points) is added onto the 18 weeks average.

Final Exam counts 20% and 18 weeks average counts 80%.

5 points EC on first quiz for sending a message to my e-mail address (located in the Lesson Plans/Calculus/Assignments/Grades)

(2) Make up tests are made up after school.

(3) Fire Drill Route - turn right, go across Jefferson up Handley Ave.

7. Fill out Data Sheet

8. Hand out Textbooks

9. What is Calculus? (ideas from Thomas W. Shilgalis)

(A) Best Value Problems
(1) Given that you can only throw a ball so hard, at what angle should you throw it to make it go the farthest?

(2) Why is a coffee can not taller and thinner?

(B) Best Shape Problems
(1) What should be the shape of a suspension bridge cable if the weight of the span is to be distributed uniformly?

(2) How should a ramp be designed so that a ball will roll down it in the least time?

(C) Problems with Area and Volume
(1) How big an air-conditioning system is needed for Handley High?

(2) How is your percentile rank on a standardized test determined?

(D) Growth and Decay
(1) How can the age of ancient artifacts be determined?

(2) How much anesthetic should the doctor administer?

(3) What will be the world population in 3000 AD?

(4) How much interest will I get on my savings account?

10. To be successful in Calculus

11. Top 10 Tips for flunking Calculus

12. Top 10 Things you don't want to hear from your teacher on the first day of school

13. Distribute copies of Precalculus concepts and the Mini Exam Review

14. Assignment:
Read pages 2 - 12 (introduction)
Read Appendix A1 - A8
Do p. A8 (12, 21, 22a,c,e,g,h, 23, 27, 31, 37)
Begin work on Mini Exam #1 Review

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Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher