Lesson #55
Test on Logarithms
and Exponentials

The student will apply all the concepts of logarithms and exponential functions.

The student will apply the derivatives of logs and exponential functions.

1. Hand out test.

2. Outline of test:

1-13 Multiple Choice
Find inverse function of y=tan(x), y=ln(x), y=e^x, y = x/(x+1), etc.
Evaluate logarithmic expressions
Simplify e^(ln(x)+5ln(w))
Solve logarithmic equations
Take derivatives of ln(u), e^u
Take derivatives implicitly
Take derivative of a variable to a variable
Know three definitions of e

14-25 Free Response
Properties of logs
Implicit Differentiation
Prove derivative formula for logs or exponentials
Graph logarithmic or exponential functions
Solve exponential equations
Related Rates Problems
Evaluate logs

Click here for a copy of part of the Test on Sections 4.1 to 4.3 (version A)

Click here for a copy of part of the Test on Sections 4.1 to 4.3 (version B)

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Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher