History Quiz Answers

1. John Adams

2. Calvin Coolidge

3. Aaron Burr

4. Spiro Agnew (under Richard Nixon) and John C. Calhoun (under Andrew Jackson)

5. Franklin Roosevelt
John Nance Garner, Henry Wallace, Harry Truman

6. Three times (and all unsuccessful).
1864 George McClellan and George Hunt (Democrats)
1916 Charles Hughes and Charles Fairbanks (Republicans)
2004 John Kerry and John Edwards (Democrats)

7. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson (1864)

8. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
(James Monroe also died on July 4, five years later)

9. The U.S. Senate

10. Gerald Ford

11. Secret Service code names
A. Richard Nixon -- Searchlight
B. Gerald Ford -- Passkey
C. Betty Ford -- Pinafore
D. Jimmy Carter -- Deacon
E. Rosalyn Carter -- Dancer
F. Ronald Reagan -- Rawhide
G. Nancy Reagan -- Rainbow
H. George Bush -- Timberwolf
I. Barbara Bush -- Tranquility
J. Bill Clinton -- Eagle

12. Madison, Monroe, Carter, Garfield, Polk, and Buchanan

13. No general fought at Custer's Last Stand. The Commander of the Seventh Cavalry was Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer. He served in the Civil War as a brevet (i.e., temporary) major general, and reverted to his permanent rank of captain after the war. By the time of his "last stand" at Little Big Horn, Custer had been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

14. Zachary Taylor, 12th President of the United States and hero of the Mexican and Seminole wars. Eligible to vote in 10 Presidential elections, Taylor never voted ... not even for himself.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher