Henny Youngman Answers

1. ...you're too drunk to sing."

2. ...pulled a small mirror from her handbag, glanced in it, and with relief said, "Yes, it's me all right."

3. ...a picture of a mouse.

4. ...It was ridiculous. The house was full of animals.

5. ...the third cross-eyed prisoner said, "I didn't say anything."

6. ...Make up your mind, lady. I've got to know which way to tilt this chair."

7. ...Half-past four!"

8. ...the mud fell off.

9. ...I don't know. I never bathed any."

10. ...I just hate it when the children play inside."

11. ...1'11 buy you another dog."

12. ...Santa, what do you need?"

13. ...turns to a muffler."

14. ...escalator.

15. ...parked car.

16. ..I didn't know my father could hit that hard.

17. ...Get under my couch."

18. ...Penicillin.

19. ...this is the greatest wreck you'll ever see."

20. ...be careful when accepting bribes.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher