Digit Struck Out --
Chapter 24 The Story

Add together the following six numbers found in Chapter 24 of The Story.

(A) The total number of silver coins in the parable of the woman who loses a coin.

(B) The number of sons in the parable of the Prodigal Son.

(C) The number of people in the parable of the Good Samaritan who passed the man who was robbed (including the Good Samaritan).

(D) The age of Jairus daughter who was dying.

(E) The number of loaves of bread that Jesus used to feed the 5,000.

(F) The number of fish that Jesus used to feed the 5,000.

Now add in any number from 66 to 964.

You should have a three-digit number.
If the first and last digits are the same, change one of those digits.

Reverse the order of the digits.

Subtract the smaller number from the larger.

Multiply the result by any number that you wish (Yes, any number!).

Now strike out any one of the digits in the answer (except a zero).

Enter the digits that you have left (in ANY order but with no spaces):


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Click here for an explanation of the trick

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher