Philosophy / Advice Forwards

Lessons of Life


Questions from Maxine


Father's Eyes      

Deep Thoughts (SNL)

Laws of Parenting

Funny Slogans

Paraprosdokian sentences

Unanswerable Questions

Unanswerable Questions II

Don't Quit (Poem)

Don't Quit (A Story)

7 Wonders of the World

Failure List

Philosophy from Maxine

Insults and Stupidity

Helping in a Crisis

On Swearing and Drinking


Why Worry?

The Seven Ups

Raising Bad Kids

Negatives into Positives

Corporate America


Charles Schultz Philosophy

Our Time in History

Two Pots

Amateur Philosophy

Advice for the COVID-19 pandemic

Inspiring Quotations in the Face of Adversity

Quotations about Life

Persian Proverb

Children Learn What They Live

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher