Political Forwards

Political Quotes

Churchill Quotes

Bipartisan Effort

Non Partisan Joke

The Haircut


Cannibal Restaurant

A Surprise Ride

The Consultant

Liberals and Texas

Watching Too Much Fox News

You May Be a Republican...

Placing New Employees

Government Hiring

George W. Bush Jokes

Barack Obama Jokes

Donald Trump Jokes

Misc. Donald Trump Forwards

Four Presidents in the Land of Oz

Election 2008

Images from the 2016 Presidential Campaign

Images from the 2020 Presidential Campaign

On the Fence

Presidential Approval Ratings

Osama Bin Laden

Christmas Greetings to Democrats/Republicans

Dear Abby

Terror Alert Levels

Why Did the Chicken Cross The Road?

Updated Why Did the Chicken Cross The Road?

My Dog

Lawyer Story

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher