Miscellaneous Forwards

Computer Humor

Math Humor


Things To Ponder

Funny Signs & Sayings

States & Redneck Humor

Blonde Jokes

Lawyer Jokes

Art and Photography

Cop Humor

Idiot Sightings

Funny Town Slogans

Ironic Pictures

Sports Humor

Music Humor

Funny Tee Shirts

Lines from A to Z

Lightbulb Jokes


Answering Machine Messages

Has Technology Taken Over Your Life?

Burma Shave

Q&A about HMOs

Wacky Label Warnings

Things to do with snow

When people follow instructions TOO closely

In-flight Announcements

Canadian Jokes

Telemarketing Tricks

Farmer and the Mule

Politically Correct Statements for the 21st Century

Work vs Prison

COVID-19 Memes

Only in America

Have you been in Kahoots?

Miscellaneous Pictures

Miscellaneous Pictures #2

Miscellaneous Humor

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher